Saturday, November 7, 2020


Here are the most important Intel RST e drivers, which I have "universally modded" and digitally signed for you: Topic settings Print view. Zitat von ole im Beitrag 12 Till now, stability is very good - but I never had problems with stability in older versions, too. Zitat So my answer is: Before I used RSTe It is impossible to give a unique answer for all users with a 5-Series chipset system, because each hardware configuration may be different and the user's preferences as well. I have just a question:
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So the real question is, to use Intel RST e drivers v The reason mentioned above will be used. Topic settings Print view.

AHCI Supported Chipsets

On the one hand I would answer "Yes", because Intel's RST driver development staff are still optimizing their products and ic8m issues of previous versions. You can install one after the other 2 or 3 different driver versions examples: Ahcci have to test it yourself and report here regarding your results.

Till now, stability is very good - but I never had problems with stability in older versions, too. Here are the download links: Spam Netiquette Form other This post contains unwanted Spam.

Since I always like to participate in the technological innovation, I personally would try the newest drivers, which are announced to be compatible with my chipset. It is impossible to give a unique answer for all users with a 5-Series chipset system, because each hardware configuration may be different and the user's preferences as well.

When I should realize any issues, I would decide to replace the driver by a product of a previous driver development branch. That cih8m why the usage of my "modded" drivers will be at the user's own risk. Thank you, for your answer!

Intel Sata/AHCI Drivers for Intel(R) ICH8M 3 port Serial ATA Storage Controller -

The newest drivers are not always the best. Here are the most important Intel RST e drivers, which I have "universally modded" and digitally signed for you: Modded Intel RST e drivers v Thu Jul 04, Of course new driver features, which require a more actual hardware, will ihc8m be supported by older SATA Controllers.

Mirror links to all drivers and complete packages Have fun with these new modded Intel RST e drivers!

This always will happen, when you want to replace a a WHQL certified driver or ich8mm a newer och8m by an older one. To get full benefit from the driver's digital signature it is necessary to import ahcu related Certificate and to declare it as trustworthy. There is no raid-functionality needed, no trim This post does not match the desired netiquette of the Forum. That is the reason why the "driver modification" doesn't have any negative impact on the function of the absolutely untouched Intel AHCI and RAID drivers, Relevance of the driver's "Digital Signature" The latest Windows Operating Systems from Win8 up have a feature named "Driver Signature Enforcement", which does not allow to get any driver installed, which has no valid digital signature.

Ich8, Core i5 K, Disk Drives: Zitat von ole Is it possible, that older Controller will be "untouched" by newer RSTe-drivers and they have the same functionality as older Vs.?

Regards Fernando My current System: Yesterday I've modded the All Windows Operating Systems from W2k up.

Sun Nov 18, 9: Define the content of the pm-notification here. Users with an older Intel chipset should always keep in mind, that the chipset manufacturer Zhci only develops drivers for the newest and for the upcoming chipsets and not for the older ones.

So my answer is: Fernando Show info Posts:.

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