Sunday, November 8, 2020


The file you want to modify is fw. Here is a screenshot:. You can change many other things that are not necessarily 64x48, if you want. Here are the first images submitted by a reader, Patrick, an evil smiley on my cube and a pirate icon on his cube:. That's the first encoded byte.
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VoIP & Gadgets Blog

While it it practically impossible to out-design Apple, companies have mainly tried to compete on size, price, and features. Here is a graphic to explain:. Its small size and easy navigation make it a clear choice for people who value portability over capacity and who are interested in impressing their friends.

I included a few bitmaps for test purposes, and as models. The most recent version available is Here are some examples, re-transformed into GIF for universal browser viewing. These are latin numbers and symbols.

I love my Archos, especially after I replaced the hard drive with a 80 Gb one. Do it again with all frames for animations, like these ones for example:. While this solution does not have the flash of an color LCD it is efficient and fun to use. Find inside the firmware the image you want to change, and the exact position of its bytes see below for some already determined oneswith a Nokia viewing tool like FlashView v1.

Update 4, mar 5 Yet, you will see that if you do something wrong and mess up with some important bytes, there is a chance that you will definitely kill your Mobiblu Cube.

It is much easier and safer to only modify the images than the code itself. This is a quick and easy system to organize files by band or genre.

The cube shape does not allow for such placement, but the size of the player is small enough that this mobivlu not be a major issue.

Modify your Mobiblu DAH / DAHi Cube mp3 player

The buttons are a bit small, but they have a clearly defined click so navigation is clearly defined. There are risks involved, especially for the DAH in which code and image are in the same file. Oh, and a PC running any Win32 mmobiblu, because I code for that platform.

Another good one is FlashGraphic 1. Maybe it's time to do a tool for an easy way to change the images.

Walmart Price For Year-Old MobiBLU MP3 Player Falls To A Record Low $55 – Consumerist

I browsed some sites, and then I saw it: You can change many other things that are not necessarily 64x48, if you want. I didn't disassemble anything. Maybe it's because they have now separated code and data, and the images do not need to be protected. For a mbiblu, the Cube was sold exclusively by Wal-Martbut it can now be found at other online retailers.

Of course, my earphones are high-quality and noise-cancelling Etymotic ER These companies certainly have their work cut out for them but with some ingenuity and a lot of marketing it is possible for them to find consumers. One of the advantages of the OLED is that it is very legible and can display a great deal of information in a small area.

Once again, no more nice alignement. So in case of problem, you could just remove the messy firmware from the disk and start again.

Quickly, because I'm starting to get bored. In other words, the font. Views Read Edit View history. It happened to me. Here is where are the images I changed the firmware version is

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