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Amiable The amiable personality type is a very patient and well-balanced individual. Most people reading this blog post from HackerNews will fit with this personality type. Not everyone in the world communicates and reacts to their environment in the same way. They can also rush to a decision without thoroughly thinking through or understanding the results or consequences of their decision. With high assertiveness and low emotional response to others, Drivers are not so worried by how others react and are hence more independent and candid. Help winning internal support for proposal.
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Personality Types

You should be aware of the fact that expressive may lack focus and may be too casual at times. Hex Model — Analytical. Under stress this style may tend to: This post is that information broken down in an easily consumed format. With each breakdown of the personalities I will give expresssive an example, that should help give you a full understanding of the character type. Often viewed as decisive, direct and pragmatic. Reid who identified the four basic Interpersonal Styles of behavior as:.

Four basic personality styles | Think Two by Two

Driver, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical. An amiable is easy going and everybody likes the amiables. Individuals in this quadrant are generally described as being logical, thorough, serious, systematic, prudent, cautious, and compliant.

Identify the major type and talk to that type. By understanding individual styles you can also customize the way you negotiate and persuade them, for example by changing your style to be closer to theirs and so seem more 'reasonable'.

Not everyone in the world communicates and reacts to their environment in the same way. All text is original unless otherwise markedplease reference this site when quoting. Email required Analytlcal never made public. Drivers are practical folks who focus on getting results. Being slower than the competitive high-assertives they tend to be more inquisitive and collaborative.

Customer Personality Styles - Analytical, Driver, Amiable, Expressive

They can also rush to a decision without thoroughly thinking through or understanding the results or consequences of their decision.

Physo — Intellectual styles tend to be Organizers who plan system set-ups and evaluate priorities to achieve and maintain goals. Wednesday, February 8, Listen live: They have a higher confidence in themselves and believe they have analyticql right to demand what they need. Hex Model — Expressive Style Emotional styles are the Expressives, enthusiastically analytica, ahead, familiar with others and quick to communicate.

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Interactive Balanced Social Holistic Methodical. LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Google. And the big paperback book. Comments 16 Leave Comment. This is done on the belief that these will complete the model by taking from four types to a necessary six types. Positive descriptors or strengths include warm, friendly, responsive, compassionate, and generous. Original images created by Kalarhythms.

Do I tend to make most decisions quickly and easily or does making decisions often make me anxious and unsure? The six-style Hex model indentifies Styles, old and new, as: More Posts from this Taxonomy.

It can be said that if you want to get to the moon you hire a driver, but if you ezpressive to get back you hire an analytical. People with higher responsiveness than others and lower assertiveness are people-oriented and sociable.

The Organizer style person is often behind the scenes. While everyone is likely to have a dominant type or style, that style is augmented by a mixture of the other types and their traits and is often dependent on environment and circumstance.

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